FF- park spots not appearing

According to the data on the HamAlert server, the 0130Z spot for VK4FE was sent to your app. The one at 0216Z on 6m did not match your trigger, as the mode could not be determined unambiguously. 50.150 is a frequency that the IARU Region 1/2/3 band plans give as mixed CW/phone/digi. I don’t do enough 6m to know whether anybody actually does CW around that frequency, or if it’s safe to assume that anything > 50.100 is SSB. Inputs welcome. To err on the side of caution with DX cluster spots, remove the mode condition so it will match in any case. From the Mode condition UI:

Note: Cluster spots may not have mode information (CW and SSB will be guessed according to the band plan if unambiguous, and most digimodes are recognized in spot comments).

The other two spots did not contain a full valid WWFF reference in the comment and hence did not match your trigger (note that even if you only have a “Park division” condition, the spot must still contain a complete and valid reference for the condition to match, not just single words like “VKFF” or “WWFF”).