How To Make This Work On A Computer

How do I get this to work on my windows 10 computer as I don’t always have my phone with me

You can connect to HamAlert as you do to a DX Cluster with your favorite log programm.


No configuration is necessary to receive spots via Telnet (cluster emulation). Simply connect to the following address and log in with your regular HamAlert username and password:

You will receive alerts from triggers that have the “Telnet” action enabled. The sh/dx command is also supported (e.g. “sh/dx 20” to get the last 20 spots). Advanced users who wish to write their own Telnet clients may be interested in the “set/json” command that causes spots to be output as JSON for easier parsing.

You can connect to HamAlert as you do to a DX Cluster with your favorite log programm.

What if I need a DX Cluster for watching spots? Should I disconnect from it and connect to Hamalert instead to receive possible notifications which would match my conditions? Or use another log program for it - because I can’t run 2 clusters ( or one DXCluster and Hamlog) with my logging program ! Please advise ! Thanks ! Dima, UA3AGW

From my point of view you can:

  • look for a log program which can connect to multiple DX clusters
  • configure alerts in your log program
  • connect to Hamalert via telnet

Ernst OE3IDE has just published his “HamAlert Cluster Client” for Windows that can connect to the Telnet interface of HamAlert and show Windows taskbar notifications on new spots. Check it out here: