Load Unworked DXCC and Zones for Current Year from Club Log for DX Marathon

I participate in the DX Marathon each year. This is where on 1 January, the DX totals reset and we try to work as many DXCC entities as possible (as well as each zone).

I can load my unworked DXCC into a trigger from Club Log but I have no obvious way to set the date to request I get the unworked relative to the current year. The year can be selected in the Club Log interface so I hope this is just a matter of adding the date to the request.

A useful feature would be to be able to set the date in the DXCC unworked load as well as get get the unworked zones again for the current (or specified year).

The alternative to not having this feature is I have to maintain a trigger manually and uncheck each DXCC entity as I work it.

Hopefully others would find this feature useful too.

Regards - Tom NY4I

I’ve had a look at this, but it appears that the relevant Club Log API does not support specifying a year when loading the DXCC matrix:

Hello. I can send a ticket to Michael at ClubLog asking about that but I am curious what API you are using? I ask as I checked some other API calls do provide an optional Year parameter. It would be unusual for Michael to leave that. off of some API calls. But it is optional so relative to my request, this would involve offering a check box to or drop-down to state the year of the query.

Here is the info from the ClubLog knowledge base.


There are two parameters:

call = The callsign to search for

log = The DX log in which to search

api = Your API key

year = optionally, a calendar year to limit the search. Omit to search all years

and there is an optional Year query string parameter. I wonder if the API call you use may also have one?

This can be referenced here:

Thanks for the consideration.

Tom NY4I

It’s the API call that I linked above (Retrieving a user's DXCC matrix as JSON : Club Log support staffed by volunteers). Apparently that one does not have a “year” parameter (yet).

Michael @ Clublog added the following to the API based on my request:

I added some small extras for you.

Try adding date=n where n can be:

    // 0 = No date filter
    // 1 = Last 12 months
    // 3 = This year
    // 4 = Last year

Value ‘2’ is not used.

Michael G7VJR

Excellent! I have now implemented this in the DXCC load feature.

Thank you. This works great for DXCC entities. The CQ DX Marathon is made up of working all the DXCC countries each year AND all the CQ Zones. Is there an equivalent way to refresh the zones worked in the current year? I did a load of DXCC entities but it did not update the zones when I have zones in my trigger. Thanks. Tom NY4I

No, currently the Club Log integration only works with DXCCs or band slots.