More conditions

  • Grid locator (PSK reporter spots contain info)
  • WPM range
  • Frequency range
  • Suffix
  • POTA region (e.g. US-CA)

POTA Region would be great!

hi, I’m missing the suffix option, for example /QRP


Hello Manuel

it would be great to add spotter grid square as condition. This would very useful on 6m for instance. I am located in JN47. I would set JN36, JN46, JN37, JN38, JN48 as spotter grid to find out about 6m DX spots in my relevant geographical area.

What do you think about it?

Best 73
Pierre-Andre HB9FMN

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Hello Pierre-Andre,

Yes, it’s already on the list (see the first post) :wink:


Manuel HB9DQM


Grids would be nice …meine Stimme hat der Request :slight_smile: Danke Manuel

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Any update on adding grid locator?

Happy to see Grids on the top though not sure the list in in order of priority.

Gordy N4LR

See also the discussion here:

I guess you would calculate from grid to grid ? Is that data on RBN , PSKR, DX spots ? Then you wouldn’t need to hit QRZ.

Gordy N4LR

I’ve read this thread with great interest. Currently, I have several triggers set up with spotter state in Texas, Oklahoma, or New Mexico.

The problem I’m having is getting alerts from Texas, I get alerts from all over Texas, including east Texas, over 600 miles away. Many times, I’ll get an alert from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, and six meters is still dead here. Spotter CQ zone is even farther!

Spotter grid would probably work, or even some way to calculate how far away the spotter is from me. I think just using the published grid for the spotter, as found on would be, at the least, a start.

That’s where the problem is: there seems to be no way for HamAlert to obtain this data from at the scale (100k+ callsigns queried per day) required.

Wow, I hadn’t realized that.

Maybe an external database where one could add what spotters they wanted to pay attention to?

Or else try to get people to set their QRA in the servers – but good luck with that!

ve7cc servers send the grid. looks like psk reporter also has that in its api. Not sure about rbn. I will look into that but you probably already know the answer :slight_smile:
Can’t you just use what is on the networks instead of getting them from qrz. I would think this maybe more accurate anyway since hopefully the station is sending the grid of where he is versus what is on qrz. Many stations don’t update qrz when they are portable. Just thinking outloud.


Gordy N4LR