Hello! Absolutely love HamAlert! Thank you so much Manuel!
A few moments ago, I was trying to send simulated spots to test my filters, and I’ve learned that because there is no SNR field in the Simulate function, I cannot test any FT4/FT8 triggers that use an SNR filter. Any spot that I send will not pass through a trigger that uses my preferred [SNR -7 … 50 dB]. When I remove this filter from the trigger, there are no issues, and the simulated spot is sent correctly.
In my case, I have a small station in the suburbs with a wire doublet 6m AGL and <=100w - a relatively small station with some local noise and poor takeoff angles. As such, limiting spots that I see to -07 or louder is super useful, and the value of simulating the triggers is obvious.
Is it possible to add an SNR field to the Simulate function?
Many thanks,
73 Joseph VE3GKT