My phone is not receiving spots for any of my triggers. It has worked flawlessly for quite a while but quit yesterday.
I’ve tried simulate, with no resulting notification or update to the Latest-spots list.
I’ve tried stopping the app, and have deleted and re-installed it with no change.
I’ve re-booted the phone with no change.
I have a Pixel 4XL running Android 13.
Any idea what I should do next?
P.S. I did add several new triggers. Is there a limit on the number entries permissable in “Full callsign” or “not Spotter callsign” in any one or more triggers?
That is strange, as I see plenty of spots delivered to your app in the past few hours server-side:
So when you open the HamAlert app, you get a blank list with the message “No spots in the last 24 hours”?
The limit is 5000 entries per trigger condition, and the system will tell you if you try to save a trigger that exceeds it.
Looks like its working now.
Yesterday it stopped giving notifications about 7:00a (local) and I didn’t get any notifications until after I posted my question here at about 6:00p (local). Of course, that’s when I started fiddling with everything in an attempt to figure out what the problem might be. The notifications you saw from the server side were after my twiddling.
It appears to me that something was “stuck” somewhere in my phone or in the app on my phone. It’s working now though.
Thank you for your support.