Time filter set form 2200 - 0700 (should ditch the AM / PM thing when setting the time and make it 24 hour for UTC)
Day of the week set to Saturday and Sunday.
What I’d like to know is - does the day of the week activate on the start of the filter time or the end of the filter time? Or will this get ugly crossing over 0000 UTC?
Hey Warren, great to hear from you – it’s been a (long) while since we met on ZL1/WK-134
That depends on your browser and system locale. In my browser, it shows up in 24 hour mode. As far as I know, it is unfortunately not possible to force HTML time input fields to 24 hour mode regardless of the user’s locale.
HamAlert checks the “Days of week” and “Time” conditions separately. If both conditions are specified, then they must match at the same time. Time ranges that span midnight are handled as expected. So if you have two conditions as follows: