Tips on setup of best spotting system for needed DXCC countries

I just found out about the many features of hamalert, after using it for years!
I have about 140 countries to the finish line and the thought of individually entering them into hamalert scares me.

Can you give me some tips on how to do this. Don’t go to the trouble of writing the complete process,
I use clublog and Log4OM & thinkthey both have my ‘needed’ list.

HamAlert has a Club Log integration that can automatically pull your needed DXCCs/bandslots from Club Log. See

Many thanks1 I tried it! It only pulled in 60 of the needed, but I’ll read and learn.

I dont use clublog because it has contacts for multiple callsigns. I am at a new qth and track new countries from this qth also.

I have many triggers (at the 100 limit :)) but one is just for all time new countries on any band any mode.

Here is what my trigger looks like. The DXCC drop down works great you can enter the prefix or country name.

THANKS! I’m kicking myself! I forgot I could do multiple DXCCS with ONE item. Easy fix. I tried the clublog sync and it seemed to work. 73 Bo W4GHV