When is bandslot data updated from clublog? I Can see the date and time for the last update but I want to know what triggers it?
And, thanks for the good work!
73 de Jonny, SM5TOG, 8S9J
When is bandslot data updated from clublog? I Can see the date and time for the last update but I want to know what triggers it?
And, thanks for the good work!
73 de Jonny, SM5TOG, 8S9J
From https://hamalert.org/help#clublog (below “Band slots”):
The band slot information from Club Log is automatically updated once a day, or shortly after you create or save a trigger with a band slots condition. Refresh the triggers page to see the updated band slots count and date.
The first update happens when you create the trigger, and from then on it is refreshed approximately every 24 hours. You can manually force an update by saving the trigger again (no need to make any changes).
73, Manuel HB9DQM
Mine worked fine for the last year and 3 days ago, it quit updating. Is there any know issue with this? I tried making changes and saving the trigger, but it never changed. So i deleted the trigger and rebuilt it. Now it shows no band slots, and shows “Never” under the sync status.
The triggers page for your account currently displays a warning box at the top saying:
The Club Log credentials that you have entered are invalid. Club Log updates have been disabled. Please set your Club Log email and password again on the account page to restart them.