What is meant by ‘mute duration’ in the ‘settings’ section? Mine says it’s set for ‘1 hour’. What is being muted? Once ANY alert is received by the system, NO further notifications or alerts will be received for the specified mute time? I’m also not getting any notifications on my iphone. “PUSH” button is enabled but nothing appears on my iphone. Is this related to the mute setting?
I would interpret mute as once you set mute - hamalert will not generate an alert for that item for the time duration you see on the screen.
To get alerts on your phone you either need the ham alert app or you need to activate sms texting. Either works.
Another question with “Mute Duration” … I note that it appears not to be able to have “no mutes” and setting varies between 10 min and 24 hr. Is there a way of turning off the MUTES? Cannot quite understand what this setting actually does?
It only does something when you mute spots from a given callsign, by opening the spot details in the HamAlert app and pressing one of the mute buttons. In that case, the setting defines for how long spots from that callsign (or callsign + band combination, or callsign + summit combination, depending on which button you press) will be muted.