Get WWFF (and other GMA) spots from GMA cluster

It would be really cool if HamAlert would follow CQGMA cluster for more spots - especially WWFF (non-CW). Also SOTA/IOTA etc. are available there.

The “smartWWFF” spots appear also on this server.

Their cluster / dx spider is at: 7300

A bit related to this one but I think it would increase trigger performance to use data directly from GMA.

For example this spot from DX Cluster was not triggering my “all OHFF spots” rule:

It was seen on GMA cluster:

“DX de OH2NOS: 10123.0 OH2NOS/P x01f OHFF-1785 New one! 0750Z”

Actually, consuming this resource will bring back WWFF parks most reliably:

@VK2MET any progress on this? It would be nice to get all WWFF spots to HamAlert.

This thread with Manuel has info on the Cluster format required. I still cannot get FF- parks spots to come thru on HamAlert though

The CQGMA DX Spider is own entity and yes as you noticed is hardly linked to anything. I don’t know the reason for that. It shouldn’t matter however in this case.

I think there is something broken in HamAlert as the CQGMA cluster spots are not triggered on HamAlert. I assume you are using or the direcly to dxspider at / 7300 ?

Yup, it is not working. Only RBN spots are coming through.

This is what I’ve received with HTTP post (and no notifications either), even I acitvated SSB two times and there was other activators on SSB too:

{“fullCallsign”:“OH3CUF/P”,“callsign”:“OH3CUF”,“frequency”:“3.544”,“band”:“80m”,“mode”:“cw”,“modeDetail”:“cw”,“time”:“09:50”,“spotter”:“ES2RR”,“snr”:18,“speed”:20,“rawText”:“DX de ES2RR-#: 3544.0 OH3CUF/P CW 18 dB 20 WPM CQ 0950Z”,“title”:“RBN spot OH3CUF/P (3.544 CW)”,“source”:“rbn”,“dxcc”:224,“entity”:“Finland”,“cq”:“15”,“continent”:“EU”,“homeDxcc”:224,“homeEntity”:“Finland”,“spotterDxcc”:52,“spotterEntity”:“Estonia”,“spotterCq”:“15”,“spotterContinent”:“EU”,“triggerComment”:“”}
{“fullCallsign”:“OH3CUF/P”,“callsign”:“OH3CUF”,“frequency”:“7.0245”,“band”:“40m”,“mode”:“cw”,“modeDetail”:“cw”,“time”:“10:11”,“spotter”:“OK1VEI”,“rawText”:“DX de OK1VEI: 7024.5 OH3CUF/P OHFF-0201 1011Z”,“title”:“Cluster spot OH3CUF/P (7.0245)”,“comment”:“OHFF-0201”,“source”:“cluster”,“wwffRef”:“OHFF-0201”,“wwffDivision”:“OHFF”,“wwffName”:“Soukonvuoren luonnonsuojelualue”,“dxcc”:224,“entity”:“Finland”,“cq”:“15”,“continent”:“EU”,“homeDxcc”:224,“homeEntity”:“Finland”,“spotterDxcc”:503,“spotterEntity”:“Czech Republic”,“spotterCq”:“15”,“spotterContinent”:“EU”,“triggerComment”:“”}
{“fullCallsign”:“OH3CUF/P”,“callsign”:“OH3CUF”,“frequency”:“14.042”,“band”:“20m”,“mode”:“cw”,“modeDetail”:“cw”,“time”:“10:26”,“spotter”:“G4ZFE”,“snr”:18,“speed”:20,“rawText”:“DX de G4ZFE-#: 14042.0 OH3CUF/P CW 18 dB 20 WPM CQ 1026Z”,“title”:“RBN spot OH3CUF/P (14.042 CW)”,“source”:“rbn”,“dxcc”:224,“entity”:“Finland”,“cq”:“15”,“continent”:“EU”,“homeDxcc”:224,“homeEntity”:“Finland”,“spotterDxcc”:223,“spotterEntity”:“England”,“spotterCq”:“14”,“spotterContinent”:“EU”,“triggerComment”:“”}
{“fullCallsign”:“OH3CUF/P”,“callsign”:“OH3CUF”,“frequency”:“18.084”,“band”:“17m”,“mode”:“cw”,“modeDetail”:“cw”,“time”:“10:41”,“spotter”:“G4ZFE”,“snr”:9,“speed”:20,“rawText”:“DX de G4ZFE-#: 18084.0 OH3CUF/P CW 9 dB 20 WPM CQ 1041Z”,“title”:“RBN spot OH3CUF/P (18.084 CW)”,“source”:“rbn”,“dxcc”:224,“entity”:“Finland”,“cq”:“15”,“continent”:“EU”,“homeDxcc”:224,“homeEntity”:“Finland”,“spotterDxcc”:223,“spotterEntity”:“England”,“spotterCq”:“14”,“spotterContinent”:“EU”,“triggerComment”:“”}

I been having the same issue with WWFF spots, I have a trigger set for KFF and VEFF spots and the only ones that trigger are the ones that are caught VIA DX cluster spots.

Yes, I’ve seen two OHFF SSB frequencies appear. They seem to be manually spotted to some DX cluster.

But it is now certain that Ham Alert isn’t using CQGMA cluster at all. Which it should and that would be really nice!

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It would be nice. Since I know its missing a majority of spots.

Please check for a broken link or the correct WWFF source. The trigger pasted below only notifies when one of these Hams are spotted with a pota reference.

Thank you for your reply but the issue persists. Could you please consume WWFF/IOTA/ and SOTA/GMA spots from from the GMA site?

The real use for better spotting coverage of WWFF spots would be to have spotting coverage on the WWFF only parks that don’t exist in the POTA system for whatever reason.

Probably in US.

In rest of the world this would make hunting WWFF so much easier for many as HamAlert is already such a good tool.

I hear you on that. It really been a great tool to use. I have a big list of triggers for POTA and SOTA Plus callsigns etc. I would like to get some more coverage of the WWFF spots since relying on someone to spot the WWFF reference to the cluster means the spot is being missed.

I have now added WWFFwatch as an additional spot source.

Great news, thanks for the effort!